European Integral Politics in Action

IEC Conference: 2025-pending

This section is a joint reflection and deepening space for the presentations by Dr. Elke Fein and Prof. Dr. Karen O’Brien, as well as the workshop by Mercedes Andany & team from Integral Politics Switzerland.

Our aim is to offer a space for building connection among those of you who feel inspired to roll up their sleeves and put integral consciousness into action in your own local or national context or in any other way you feel called to.

We hope to inspire a growing integral political movement across Europe that brings to life the promise of the integral paradigm and make a new, holistic political culture available for ordinary citizens to experience in different places.

ANDANY, Aïma Mercedes


Born in Barcelona, Maths and Philosophy studies at York University.  Management positions at International Red Cross, Geneva Council and Deutsche Bank.  Co-founder of Swiss Alternative Bank.  Meditation teacher for 10 years in UK, India, Brazil, Spain and Switzerland.  Naturopath, De-armouring Mind-Body Work practitioner, Jungian therapist, Tantra Teacher and trainer of teachers at SkyDancing Tantra International Institute.  Member of Integral Politics Movement in Switzerland.

Currently researching the links between C.G. Jung’s Depth Psychology and Quantum Physics.  This is pointing towards a new global Paradigm where Psyche and Matter form a Continuum, where the barrier between “Inner” and “Outer” collapses, where binary thinking becomes multidimensional, thus generating a major human quantum evolutionary leap, underlying the new level announced by Clare Graves and Ken Wilber’s views of evolution.

FEIN, Elke Dr.


Dr. Elke Fein is a social and political scientist and holds a PdD in Russian Studies. Her academic focus is on large scale socio-political transition processes, leadership and political culture, using adult developmental approaches. Elke is also the co-founder and managing director of the Institute for integral Studies (IFIS) in Freiburg/Germany. She has initiated and coordinated the EU-funded “Leadership-for-transition (LiFT)” project (2013-2022), among them the Strategic Partnership LiFT Politics (2019-2022), which explored political innovations based on integral and meta-modern ideas across Europe. One of the results of LiFT Politics is her book “Foundations, Principles and Inspirational Resources of Integral Politics” (2023). Elke is currently building up a School for Integral Politics as a space for learning and experiencing a new, holistic/integral paradigm of doing politics. Contact:,

O’BRIEN, Karen

Norway / United States

Karen O’Brien is a professor of human geography at the University of Oslo and co-founder of cCHANGE, an organization that promotes a conscious, creative, collaborative, and courageous approach to sustainability transformations.  Her research focuses on the human and social dimensions of environmental change. She is committed to understanding and engaging with equitable transformations to a thriving world. She promotes integrative approaches to sustainability that recognize how beliefs, values, worldviews, and paradigms influence systems change and social change. Karen is researching how to scale transformative change and exploring the potential for quantum social change in theory and practice. Karen’s recent books include You Matter More Than You Think: Quantum Social Change for a Thriving World and Climate and Society: Transforming the Future (with Robin Leichenko). She was recently co-chair of the International Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) transformative change assessment. In 2021 she was co-recipient of the BBVA Foundation’s Frontiers of Knowledge Award for Climate Change.