Invoking Wholeness Through Collective Awakening
Meditation is often seen as a purely subjective, individual practice. But what happens when we turn the eye of meditative awareness toward the intersubjective, or collective mind in which we are always enfolded? In this guided group meditation session, we’ll come together and explore the contours of collective consciousness and co-awakening. Sharing a combination of […]
West African Music: Dancing the 4 quadrants
What do we learn about a foreign culture by experiencing its music? Come spend an hour listening to the sounds of balafon, kora, guitar and drums from the Mande region of West Africa. These instruments, some of them 800 years old, were not meant for entertainment, but for building and upholding the values of the […]
Source Leadership: Your role in holarchic fields
Leadership doesn’t simply happen in org charts – it arises in the invisible spaces between people. The theory of Source (according to Peter König) shows how social fields emerge and work around projects. It makes informal hierarchies tangible and explains how they can differ based on context. This makes it easier to resolve leadership challenges […]
Comedy of People and Organizational Transformation
Workshop Overview: In this gentle yet engaging workshop, I will deliver a 30-minute comedy show based on real-life stories of people and organizational transformation in Japan. As an organizational development consultant, I have found that textbook approaches or ideal case studies rarely succeed in practice. Instead, meaningful transformation often begins when we let go of […]
AQtivating Soul Power: Wholing City Metacrisis
In our action research design workshop we explore how Soul Power reframes wholeness for cities facing Metacrisis. We first question – “What?” is the challenge? We’ll consider why cities seem to be fragmented, climate threatened, at war, polluted, biodiversity deserts, chaotic, destructive and disrespectful. Then we’ll ask: “So What?” How do these conditions catalyse cultural […]
Visionary Pathways, dragon dreaming
From I to We – How to Let Go of Excessive Individualism and Step into the World of Fragile Duality to Create Unity? ”If you want to travel fast, go alone; if you want to travel far, go together.” No one teaches us the simplicity behind the manifestation of great ideas. We’ve learned to live […]
The Shadow side of Shadow Work
Every Shadow practice has a healthy place and purpose. And every shadow practice has a shadow side: a way and place that it will cause harm. Even the most perfect shadow practitioner perfectively executing the most perfect shadow practice can cause harm if they do not understand the shadow side of their shadow practice. In […]
Love, Relationship, and Flow
Experience abundant love. Discover how to help those you love feel your love like never before. Explore the vast diversity of love styles and experience love patterns you never knew existed. Expand your horizons of love, dive deeper into the depth of love, and discover the evolutionary developmental heights of love. This experiential workshop is […]
Turquoise-like Life & Business Families-Communities
Authentic human live-business Relationships in of the near Future… what could it be about? Could you ever image that you have the space on the earth where you are very comfortable, deeply truly excepted and effectively supported, sponsored and at the same time, feel you’re going in your own way realizing your deep, true Self? […]
Live Love and Lead from Wholeness
COLLECTIVE FLOURISHING : live, love and lead from wholeness. I offer a consciousness based approach for collective flourishing, an integral framework called EVOLVE. As a human being ,our design is to operate at the center of two complementary forces of becoming and belonging. Humans are inbuilt with a longing to become something, differentiate our individuality, […]