To speak about a planetary awakening, we need to be conversant with how a group, and a relationship, can wake up, in a way analogous to how an individual can.
I’ll be talking through my take on Awakened Interbeing (We Space) as an emergent, relational awakening practice after more than ten years practicing and leading We Spaces, touching on the way on my own journey.
I’ll also present the concept of the New We, an invitation to a different way-of-being-as-the-world-together, with three central praxes:
- Embeddedness in real life connection, embracing the wholeness of our daily lives
- A transpersonal relational practice (We Space, more generally)
- Economic work-in-the-world: i.e. an engagement towards practical reality as an organization
Awakened Interbeing presents a different perspective on what Integral Consciousness is, how it might become, and what it does in the world.