Teal Org – How the Integral Map gets you there

The aim of this workshop is to develop a new understanding of how change can unfold in organizations and how impulses for sustainable change can be set. Participants learn about the benefit of the Integral Model for sustainable transformation. Through new personal experiences their perception is enhanced and they learn to set precise and purposeful […]

The Dynamics of the Spectrum Shift to Later Stages

Transformative Executive Coaching: The Drivers and Dynamics that Expedite Later Stage Leadership Development. This thesis illuminated key contributing factors in the shift from Achiever to Strategist. In a multiple-case study (Yin, 2018) 12 senior executives were assessed and selected as participants based on their predominant Achiever stage profiles using a variation of the WUSCT (Loevinger […]

Partner in Planetary Awakening: Follow Your Dreams

In this experiential workshop, we will learn how living our heartfelt dreams contributes to planetary awakening. What if the Universe planted your dreams in your heart to evolve itself? By cooperating with what calls your heart and embarking on your own hero’s journey, you are participating in planetary awakening. We will support each other in […]

Seeds of wisdom

When you join us in this workshop, you bring your culture, your roots, your knowledge and experiences and all your unique qualities. We follow the core idea of integral theory and life here, to collect and spread all the treasures that human existence can offer: good energies, elevating ideas, positive emotions, joyous feelings, open-hearted attitudes, […]

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