Towards being fully human – through an integration of African philosophy

Dr. Paddy Pampallis has spent her life committed to finding meaning in the world of human experience. An activist, explorer and seeker at heart, she has spent her working life as an educator, psychologist, coach, supervisor and business woman. Paddy first came across Wilber’s work, in 1992 when completing a 2-year integrative psychotherapy training post […]

Getting to know the founder of mature adult development theory

Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter is not only an authority on the global scene of research-based adult development but also one of the most trusted elder teachers of the integral community. Her Ego Development Theory is  often referenced by Ken Wilber –  who has created his own model of the stages of development by integrating the most solid systems […]

Varieties of Subjective Time

Written by Valerii Pekar Both our everyday life and integral thinkers teach us that people with different worldviews hardly understand each other. One of the fundamental reasons for this misunderstanding is rooted in a different way of perceiving and feeling time, which is one of the most basic concepts of human life. After Albert Einstein […]

Are you a Leader? Find out more about ways to develop maturity.

Did you know that the meaning-making capacity of individuals is reflected in their language? Susanne Cook-Greuter’s sentence completion test (which is now called the MAP – Maturity Assessment Profile) is based on this fact. After evaluating thousands of tests, she created a description of 9 levels of increasing embrace, each representing a distinct, qualitatively different, […]

Integral Ubuntu for Europe & Africa

Dr. Paddy Pampallis:Integral Ubuntu for Europe & Africa Africa is the cradle of mankind, of womankind, of humankind, where kindness based on service to others is very important. Ubuntu is an integrating principle: it means I am because of you, because of all of us. From an integral perspective, it means that I and WE […]

Bring your heart in perfect peace

Bring your heart in perfect peace! Watch this short video by Integral Zen master Doshin N. Roshi and get a sense of how Integral Zen works that brings the heart in perfect peace. Come and join us and meet the global integral community! Also all the conference materials, videos and mp3-s are available now! This […]

Integral Zen Community Process on IEC Regathering with Doshin N. Roshi

We are glad to announce that Doshin Nelson Roshi from the Mondo Zen (Dialoguing Zen) tradition and founder of Integral Zen accepted our invitation. He is going to lead an experiential Integral Zen Process during the IEC Vienna Regathering for the whole community in the morning Big Circle, April 18-19, 2017. Integral Zen combines the […]

Constellation Full Movie

The healing power of constellation! Good news: the new European Constellation  Movie is here! Click on the movie below and enjoy! Have you heard that we meet again this year for an IEC regathering in Vienna, in April? We expect 150-200 people from 20 countries. Bridge time between IEC 2016 and 2018 and join this unconventional […]

Two Types of Red in Islam? Spiral Dynamics by Elza Maalouf

Dear IEC Friend, Elza is the living embodyment in putting integral into real life practice. A foremost student of Dr. Don Beck (Spiral Dynamics) and Ken Wilber (Integral Theory) she is the voices who helps us understand the Middle-East. ” There is not one but two types of red we face: TypeA: Islamic Extrimist  / TypeB: […]

Tour Info Day 1: Freud, Mozart, Vienna

Hello IEC Friends, As the momentum is catching up for the April IEC Regathering, we’ d also like to inform you about the tour details that will follow the 2-day gathering. Many of us want to see Vienna and Austria beyond the conference hall and have fun together. In this email you will find the […]

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