Updating, Widening & Transcending our “Reality Box”
Our “conveyor belt,” hopefully, is gently pulling us to our next developmental level or reality box. However, it can sometimes slow down or even freeze. To counter this, Dr. Carr facilitates focusing on developing new ways of cognizing, accessing different areas of the brain, integrating the primitive & involuntary, sensing the future & one’s future […]
The colour Purple – global soul, spirituality
The Purple-archetype in Spiral Dynamics integral represents tribalistic values of safety and the relative status of one’s place in the community. But what happens when a child is raised with the logic in an ecology that holds these values dearly; but morphs through different stages and outside the tribe? BO or Purple value systems accounts […]
Purpose Clarity and Alignment: Your Evolving Role
We’re evolving faster than ever, as personal and spiritual development tools allow the completion of developmental tasks and resolution of trauma and shadow. We traverse the spiral to the next stage of development with greater awareness of Self and the contexts in which we live, capable of ever-expanding perspectives. However, rediscovering ourselves at each stage […]
Prayer! Healing the whole.
Receive Hillen´s healing prayer’s transmission and experience your own inner healing power. Instant pain relief, peace in your soul, grounded and deep connection to self and others. Several prayers will be prayed. We set our intentions and then we let go. We will be open, receiving and responding. Individual healing: emotional and physical pain relief […]
Shadow Work and Narcistic Trauma in Organizations
At the beginning, a short presentation is given to introduce the topic: The pressure to adapt to the conditions of an organization can be understood as a narcissistic trauma. In our personal socialization strategies develop how we deal with this trauma. Often an organization develops a momentum of its own in which the pressure to […]
Integral Youth Gathering: Co-creating our world
This year we have organized the first “Integral Youth Gathering” and we invite you to experience a “snapshot” of our co-creation with us! In the first part of this session, we will present our insights about what it means to gather & weave communities in an integrally-informed way, the patterns that we have emerged in […]
Social Permaculture: Integral Tools for Awakening
Permaculture is commonly known as integrated gardening/farming, as it has traditionally focused on “Earth Care.” Despite that focus on the “exterior,” permaculture was always meant to be a whole systems approach to sustainable living. In recent years “Social Permaculture” has been emerging, building on the social changes initiated in the 60s, and going beyond the […]
4 Quadrants of Dragon Dreaming and Medicine Wheel
The Dragon Dreaming mandala holds enduring wisdom from the Purple era of the Australian Aborigines. Walking the mandala’s four quadrants can help us to see and meet ourselves and each other. It can reveal how we walk with differences in our communities, and how our natural differences have been shaped by our cultural contexts. The […]
Self as Instrument: A Workshop for Presenters
If you’re presenting this week and want to clear what’s in the way of showing up more freely, come to this workshop and leave it behind. Many people have fear about sharing their work, presenting, or speaking in public. Whether you have lots of experience at the front of the room or you are new […]
From Hunter to Hero, from Princess to Visionary
Explore the depth of your Selves. Come along on a playful, yet deep and transformative journey of self-discovery and community building facilitated by the Selves card deck. Bring a question, a conflict or a dilemma, see yourself reflected by familiar characters, and unfold your answer by playing the game of Selves. Selves consist of 54 […]