Integral’s Technology Problem: How Do We Grow Next

Integral’s Technology Problem: How Do We Grow Next The modern integral movement has been marked by late-adoption tendencies and the inability to innovate from the same ‘leading-edges’ of consciousness which we ostensibly espouse when it comes to technology. This tendency has endemic properties and must be addressed formally in order to support the involution necessary […]

Purpose as Evolutionary (and Involutionary) Driver

Finding and living Purpose is an essential task as we face the global metacrises. We must hasten an evolved humanity who can grasp the crises, discern our role on the global response team, and become wise and resilient enough to create solutions. Humans are evolutionary beings, always birthing another version when equipped to accomplish developmental […]

Purpose Clarity and Alignment: Your Evolving Role

We’re evolving faster than ever, as personal and spiritual development tools allow the completion of developmental tasks and resolution of trauma and shadow. We traverse the spiral to the next stage of development with greater awareness of Self and the contexts in which we live, capable of ever-expanding perspectives. However, rediscovering ourselves at each stage […]

Navigating through the topography of work

During the workshop, the participants will be provoked about the global changes in the context of work and the meta crisis by different perspectives and stages. It will also stimulate them to reflect on the results of the Topography of Work research (theme of the Keynote presentation) and their own experience of the meaning of […]

The topography of Work: an integral experiment

The meta-crisis we are going through casts an enormous shadow and uncertainty over the meaning and configuration of Work. And this theme is fundamental since it is one of the main elements connecting the micro-world of individuals with the macro-world of organizations and politics. Work directly affects Integral health, as well, the global economy and […]

Discover Your Purpose at Tier 2 Consciousness

Awakening planetary consciousness starts with individuals like you and me. It starts with awakening our purpose in life. But the question is: Do you know what your life purpose is now? And how does it need to evolve to bring about the kind of change necessary for this global shift in consciousness? Well, as you […]

The Six Dimensions of Purpose & Tier 2 Awakening

As you know, life is not one-dimensional, and neither is your purpose in life. In fact, it shows up in multiple dimensions as an integration of AQAL quadrants, levels, and lines of development. The Six Dimensions of Purpose is a framework for discovering purpose in life. When used with integral theory, it is a powerful […]

Ayahuasca – Stories of Experience

We will be telling our stories of our recent visits to Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica. Within a week, up to 90 participants experience their “miracle”. This is brought about through four nights of ceremonies drinking Ayahuasca, a plant medicine served by Shamans coming from a 5000 year old lineage from the Amazon […]

PowerShift and Emergent New Leadership

For millennia humans have developed stories about power and leadership, of which many have been of great service to humanities thriving. Yet, mostly over the past century, these stories have begun not only to lose their usefulness, but to create disruptive and even life-threatening harm to our planetary livelihood. More and more people are awakening […]

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