Finding one’s own soul-centric climate action

Facing the climate crisis—intermeshed as it is with complex social, political and economic crises—can leave a person feeling incredibly small and ineffective in creating positive change. Such a large collective challenge like climate change—vast, complex, heavy, and reproduced by the systems in which we live—can feel simply overwhelming. Global warming can provoke feelings of with […]

Let’s Clear Ancestral Debts

In this workshop, you will learn about debts ie. debt karma, experience a group energy-clearing of debt patterns and have a chance to receive mini 1-1 session. Debt patterns manifest as unpleasant emotional intensities and unwanted events in your life. Debt karma is a specific type of vibration that originates from the victim game, the […]

Music 2.0: Comusication as AQAL social technology

Come and play in the musical ‘we’ space! As a pathway to greater social mindfulness, ‘comusication’, or attuned collaborative, communicative musical improvisation is an emerging practice of musicality that can engage participants and settings across developmental levels. It offers possibilities for connection for individuals ranging from pre-verbal/sensory stages, through developing individuation and dialogue, examining communication […]

Why Relationships Matter for Planetary Awakening

Realize why being in a healthy sustainable Integral Love Relationship not only matters for our own well-being and flourishing, but also for that of our soulmate, humanity, and future generations. Recognize that all functional systems are created by wholes who are parts of larger wholes, like whole humans who are parts of healthy couples, who […]

Sustainability Transformation for Planetary Health

The presentation defines sustainability transformation towards planetary health relying on an integral approach. To do so, it bridges non-western and Indigenous wisdom traditions with western literature. The argument is that it is critical to embed an approach in multiple ways of seeing, being, and doing. These must be guided by holistic views. It is hoped that […]

Ayahuasca – Stories of Experience

We will be telling our stories of our recent visits to Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica. Within a week, up to 90 participants experience their “miracle”. This is brought about through four nights of ceremonies drinking Ayahuasca, a plant medicine served by Shamans coming from a 5000 year old lineage from the Amazon […]

Awakening to Unity in a Fragmented World

Experiencing ourselves as an expression of life rather than a separate entity changes everything. Yet after the initial buzz wears off or just becomes normal, we become aware of the debris scattered in our inner landscape, our relationships and across the planet. We realise that the spiritual reality of unity is not enough to dispel […]

We-Flow: Integral We-Space for Business (Workshop)

If awakening is a collective rather than an individual matter, we need to look at the contexts where most collective effort is currently being spent, one of them being:  workplaces & organizations. In We-Flow, we have addressed the question of how we can connect the gifts of the individual to a larger network of gifted […]

What is integral to a worker?

I have been working with workers in 18 different factories, using only complexity/emergent approaches, deep democracy, theory of u, way of circle, art of hosting. Our work together walks around human rights and actually arrives to what is real and necessary in their lives. Our sessions have a flow, guiding us about human rights, also […]

Nature’s we-space, home of the ecocentric self.

Join EarthMind in exploring how an interpersonal relationship with nature can be cultivated, and support our individual and collective healing and growth. UR and LR focus on technology, political and socioeconomic solutions fail to move the hearts of people into action. Ego, ethno, and worldcentric levels of self-identity must transform into ecocentric identities including the […]

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