Awakened Interbeing and The New We

To speak about a planetary awakening, we need to be conversant with how a group, and a relationship, can wake up, in a way analogous to how an individual can.  I’ll be talking through my take on Awakened Interbeing (We Space) as an emergent, relational awakening practice after more than ten years practicing and leading […]

Awakening to a Planet of Living Cities

This session is an inquiry into how a Unitive Narrative calls us to awaken beyond individuals and organizations into our relationships within and among cities and their ecoregions. We invite you to explore how Living Cities: Earth is creating the conditions for a mycelial web of inter and intra-connections arising when we practise Integral City’s […]

Clear your psyche with Fresh Mind Programme

In this session we are going to look at the Fresh Mind framework and understand its structure and purpose. It will explain how it creates the Fresh Mind programme which is used to holistically clear our minds of all psychological baggage we are able to identify within ourselves. The session will be part presentation and […]

Integral Transcendence – Nurturing Life

Last Year I presented the Integral Transcendence Model. It was a model  I developed to present my perception of living a balanced life by transcending in the 4 quadrants, with an inside out approach. And how it can achieve not only the personal serenity & peace, but also, it’s a core for world’s peace. This […]

Let’s Clear Ancestral Debts

In this workshop, you will learn about debts ie. debt karma, experience a group energy-clearing of debt patterns and have a chance to receive mini 1-1 session. Debt patterns manifest as unpleasant emotional intensities and unwanted events in your life. Debt karma is a specific type of vibration that originates from the victim game, the […]

Ayahuasca – Stories of Experience

We will be telling our stories of our recent visits to Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica. Within a week, up to 90 participants experience their “miracle”. This is brought about through four nights of ceremonies drinking Ayahuasca, a plant medicine served by Shamans coming from a 5000 year old lineage from the Amazon […]

Train the Trainer. Integral (of) course

We are proud to present the Trainer the Integral Trainer (TIT™) Program, an advanced course that offers a unique and innovative approach to training. With a personalized learning approach, this program has been designed to support trainers in their journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and professional development. Participants of this program can expect to: Deepen their […]

We-Flow: Integral We-Space for Business (Workshop)

If awakening is a collective rather than an individual matter, we need to look at the contexts where most collective effort is currently being spent, one of them being:  workplaces & organizations. In We-Flow, we have addressed the question of how we can connect the gifts of the individual to a larger network of gifted […]

The Path of Vertical Leadership

‘The Path of Vertical Leadership’ is first of all, a path.  From where and to where I can hardly say, because this path leads out of the darkness, into the light of This Moment, and then back into the darkness. Our thinking minds are filled with ideas of who we are, who others are & […]

Theory U and Presencing for an Integral World

Otto Scharmer is a Senior Lecturer in the MIT Management Sloan School and co-founder of the Presencing Institute. He chairs the MIT IDEAS program for cross-sector innovation and introduced the concept of “presencing”—learning from the emerging future—in his bestselling books Theory U and Presence (the latter co-authored with P. Senge et al). He is co-author […]

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