The Spiritually Transformative Nature of Grief
Awakening includes the process of individuation by which we evolve from a system, culture, stage or state into higher consciousness. This process includes the experience of loss, whether ego death, loss of relationships, beliefs, structures or ways of relating to the world. Loss is inherent in human development. Grief is a natural reaction to loss while […]
Grief Ritual for Awakening and Spiritual Emergence
Awakening includes the process of individuation by which we evolve from a system, culture, stage or state into higher consciousness. This process includes the experience of loss, whether ego death, loss of relationships, beliefs, structures or ways of relating to the world. Loss is inherent in human development. Grief is a natural reaction to loss while also […]
Music 2.0: Conference comusication jam
I specialise in large-scale group musical interaction – and would love to offer this to the conference as a group energiser, if it fit the programme! Typically this could last 10-15 minutes (can be shorter if need be), and would be an interactive segment that would bring all of the delegates present into a brief […]
Ayahuasca – Stories of Experience
We will be telling our stories of our recent visits to Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica. Within a week, up to 90 participants experience their “miracle”. This is brought about through four nights of ceremonies drinking Ayahuasca, a plant medicine served by Shamans coming from a 5000 year old lineage from the Amazon […]
Awakening to Unity in a Fragmented World
Experiencing ourselves as an expression of life rather than a separate entity changes everything. Yet after the initial buzz wears off or just becomes normal, we become aware of the debris scattered in our inner landscape, our relationships and across the planet. We realise that the spiritual reality of unity is not enough to dispel […]
The Path of Vertical Leadership
‘The Path of Vertical Leadership’ is first of all, a path. From where and to where I can hardly say, because this path leads out of the darkness, into the light of This Moment, and then back into the darkness. Our thinking minds are filled with ideas of who we are, who others are & […]
Developing We-Space via Resonance Workshop
There are poignant moments when viewing a movie when there is a sequence where we feel both joy and sadness. Often times we hide these powerful feelings and turn away from our companion, fearing over-exposure. What if we do not turn away and allow these complex and potent feelings to settle into a resonance to […]
Authentic Living
Through meditations, live music, silent connecting, sense-based exercises & intimate dialogues, James will guide you with gentle precision towards realising who you really, REALLY are, on the deepest level. From that ‘place’ of clarity and openness, you will begin to acknowledge the unconscious fear-based patterns, self-beliefs and physical clenches that block you from expressing fully, […]
A path of healing through body and dance
“Dance, dance, otherwise we are lost.” Pina Bausch As human beings we are movement: from the simple breathing to everyday gestures, our body express what we feel about life. Body memory recalls and presents closure or openness in the human relationship, leading to a more or less authenticity in the encounter with the other. The […]
Love: An experiential journey through teal.
This experiential journey of love combines embodied practice with the latest research on love that identifies key changes as we progress along our evolution of consciousness. Understanding our own cosmic address along the evolutionary line of conscious development allows for an increasing breadth of love experiences and the next evolutionary challenge and bliss to come. […]