Keynote Speakers

Ken Wilber

The Evolution of Tomorrow
(Live Stream)

Charles Eisenstein

Making Sense of Sense-making

Julia Kim

Bhutan, GNH & Creating a Wellbeing Economy

Gabor Mate

Beyond Biology: Mind/Body in Health and Illness

Miriam Mason Martineau

Integral Parenting: Foundation for a Sane Future

Steve McIntosh

The Post-Progressive Political Perspective

Indra Adnan

The Politics of Waking Up

Mark Forman

The Monster's Journey: From Trauma to Connection

Allan Combs

The Coming of the Integral Being Evolution and Marriage of the Four Quadrants

Stuart Townsend

Actor playing Ken Wilber in the movie Grace and Grit

Sebastien Siegel

Director, writer and producer of the movie Grace and Grit

Mathias Weitbrecht

Official Visual Conference Documentation


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Abhishek Thakore, Kejal Savla, Arnaz Khan, Shashank Kalra, Adil Basha, Akshay Jain

2069: Ecosystems for collective churning

Alexander Malakhov

Integral Russia: Art, Thought & Practice

Angela Halvorsen Bogo

Towards a Global Fireside – Soulful Storytelling

Anna Storck

Integral Online Learning. Benefits and Challenges.

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Diana Claire Douglas

Humanity’s Role in Collective Evolution

Anouk Brack

Leadership Embodiment

Barbara J. Hunt

Forgiveness Made Easy – through an integral lens

Bettina Geiken, Elke Fein

Mapping an emerging ecosystem of integral politics

Bibi Gratzer

The Meaning Of Life – Integral Purpose & Evolution

Bill Torbert

Exploring “Numbskull in The Theatre of Inquiry”

Carissa Kazyss, Rollie Stanich

Integral Ethics in the Age of AI

Charles Eisenstein

Making Sense of Sense-making

Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller

Love, Power and Purpose

Golin Cindy Lou

Collective Evolution: One Giant Rorschach Test

Damien Bohler, Katharina Pilhofer

Intersecting Authentic Relating and We-Space

David Nadasi

Let’s dance!

Horkics Edina Magdolna

Integral language learning

Eivind F. Skjellum

Integrating Red – A Perspective from Men’s Work

Eugene Pustoshkin,
Tatyana Parfenova

Spacious Awareness in Holoscendence Meditation

Gabor Maté

Beyond Biology: Mind/Body in Health and Illness

Gail Hochachka, Wanda Krause

Transformations in the Anthropocene

Geoff Fitch, Tamara Androsoff, Abigail Lynam, John Wood

The co-creation and evolution of I & We

Jeremy Johnson

Reclaiming the Future with Integral Consciousness

Jesse Mckay

The Path of Vertical Leadership

John Bunzl

A Citizens’ Integral Global Treaty

John Dupuy

The Vision Quest

John Thompson

Transformational Connection

Katia Trost

The danger of growing beyond our shadow

Keith Witt

100 Reasons to not have a secret affair

Edward Kelly

In Over Their Heads – Leadership in an Interdependent World

Khaled ElSherbini

 Stages of the Mind: the Enneagram types Growing Up

Kim Barta

Meta Shadow: The Evolution of Shadow Resolution

Kristian Stålne

Collective Developmental Archetypes

Lynn Fuentes

The Koan of Illness: Five Questions

Macleod Robert

Growing 3 Kinds Of Educational Relationships

Mara Cortona

Space and the Cosmocentric Stage of Consciousness

Marcelo Cardoso

Organizations as ecosystems and Ecosystems of organizations

Maria Bailey

Ordinary Habits, Extraordinary Life: Four Masters

Mariana Bozesan

Integral Investing: From Profit to Prosperity

Marilyn Hamilton

Pandemic as Integral City Practice: Findhorn AQAL

Martin Ucik

Co-Creating Integral Relationships

Mia Hetenyi

Grief and Our Evolution of Consciousness

Michael Glück, Heidi Hörnlein, Ines Robbers

Integral Salons in service of Coevolution

Mihai Streza

Shift Global Consciousness through Virtual Reality

Miriam Mason Martineau

Integral Parenting: Foundation for a Sane Future

Miriam van Groen

Integrating psychedelic states into stable stages

Mohamed Refaat

Leading with Consciousness

Momoe Nishimura

Zen Eating to Practice Integral in Your Real Life

Nelson Doshin, Chris Alder

What must heal and what must die to grow & awaken?

Nicole Grossen, Céline Bedu

In the Shadow lies our Evolution

Nikola Ristic

Spirituality for Our Time

Nomali Perera

Still Triggered by Trump: A Shadow Clean Up

Olga Kiss, Katalin Gátfalvi; Gabriella Peuker

Freedom to evolve

Paddy Pampallis

Integral Voices of Africa

Pascal Strauss, Katrijn Tack

Collective evolution starts with the individual

Paul Smith

Whole-Body Mystical Awakening Meditative Practice

Peter Merry

The Pain and the Promise

Pier Luigi Lattuada

Transe-cognition: Integral Thinking, Further Mode

Raquel Torrent

Inner Positioning for a VUCA World

Rebecca Colwell

Integral Facilitator as we grow together

Rica Viljoen, Ruan Viljoen

Being Beige – a story for Loraine Laubscher

Roger Walsh

Deepening Meditation for Experienced Practitioners

Rolf Jackson

AQALAW: A call for Cultural Synthesis

Silas Hörler, Kai Mosebach

How we found a way to measure the Integral Address

Stéphane Segatori, Jan Bruch

We-Flow: Integral We-Space for Businesses

Stina Deurell, Matthew Painton, Hanna Hündorf

Planetary Alignment and Collective Perspectives

Susann Cook-Greuter, Akasha Saunders

WEIRD + Diversity

Tena Cacic

Break Free from theVictim Game and Live Your Dream

Thomas Habib

The Highly Sensitive Person & We Space

Thomas Steininger, Elizabeth Debold

emergent dialogue: Catalyzing the Co-Conscious We

Tim Schneider

An Integral Perspective on Nutrition

Tom Murray

Wisdom of the masses? Ascending & descending growt

Tomas Björkman, Jan Artem Henriksson

The Inner Development Goals

Trisha Nowland, John O’Neill

The View From Down Under: Perspectives on Integral

Ute Weber-Woisetschläger, Roman Angerer; Martina Höss

Integral Art Lab: DIGNITY with art by Martina Höss

Vivian Dittmar

Transrational Thought, Transpersonal Feeling

Winnie Winters

Shake your Shadow & Evolve into Integral Thinking

Jon Skelton Pearson

The Embodied Megatribe: Yellow Rose/Green Thorn

Stuart Townsend

Actor playing Ken Wilber in the movie Grace and Grit

Sebastien Siegel

Director, writer and producer of the movie Grace and Grit

Jeff Salzman

Integral Exploration of Political Polarization

Ani Deal

Kirtan: Singing together from the heart

Hanna Hündorf

Anchoring Ourselves in Love and Spaciousness

Katharina Pilhofer

Yoga Nidra – Resting into Collective Evolution

Stina Deurell

Morning Embrace

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